Citizenship: Individual and Society Summary

The Orlando shooting is one of the most horrific terrorist acts that are country has seen. Being that the club that was shot up was part of the LBGTQ community it brings in even more opinions. Our country has stereotyped Muslims and the LBGTQ community in ways that most people could not deal with being treated with, yet some people live with these stereotypes every day. Noura said in the article, “If a Christian person had done (the Orlando shooting), nobody would have been like, ‘Christianity is horrible,’ but because he’s Muslim, there are political agendas.” That statement really opened my eyes to the fact that when shooting happens we only truly shame them when they are Muslims who do them. For instance, in the Sandy Hook shooting the shooters religion was not even thought of to be brought up, but because in the instance he was Muslim they shame the whole religion for it. Being Muslim should not affect how people look at you, and being part of the LGBTQ community and Muslim should not leave you challenged like the shooter. It is thought that he could have used a Muslim LGBTQ community, because he may have been struggling with his own identity. Maybe if people were more aware of community’s like this we could prevent future tragedy’s.

In our country’s history we have gradually moved on from racial and religious biases. We still have a far way to come. Rosa Parks story is incredible, and although she was not by herself and did not start the civil rights movement she took a stand to injustices many years ago and now we need people of today to do the same things she did. No disrespect to Muslims, but they try to blame certain groups and their community and run to social media and talk about their problems and how hurt they are. If you look in history when African Americans wanted change they did physical things and by physical I do not mean the black panthers. I am talking about their protests taking a stand against injustices as a whole group. That is the way to end social injustices you have to let your voice be heard. Then you bring in the idea of citizenship, and yes I think that does play a big part in all this. I do not know right now if the majority of Non-Muslim United States citizens consider or look at Muslims as a fellow citizen and that is a problem. Shootings and attacks put fear in people of the group associated with and because of the history of Muslims in United States attack, it will be hard to overcome this fear for a lot of people.